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Welcome to WoW Health where we connect conscientious healthcare providers to motivated patients outside of the traditional insurance market. Health insurance premiums have put healthcare outside the reach of many in our communities...costing exorbitant amounts to employers and patients in the form of premiums, copays, and deductibles, and creating inefficiencies in our healthcare by burdening physicians with clerical work instead of their desire for patient care.

WoW is creating a community of Advocates of change who can introduce the benefits of free market healthcare to their communities--people, employers, and healthcare providers. You know your community best and can help bring about meaningful change where people can obtain healthcare with price transparency and affordability. Because change starts with one, we invite everyone to join us by creating an advocate account with WoW, then get your community to sign up, and every time your panel members use the WoW platform, you will be rewarded for your efforts with a portion of the transacted amount.

Bring great healthcare to your communities and spread good...refer others to become advocates of change with you and join the WoW team!